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“The purpose of Highland Park Community Church is to teach all people about the Biblical truths of God, which will allow them to have healthy, productive, and God-honoring lives."

What to Expect

We are intentionally trying to be a church that looks like our neighborhood.  What does that mean?  We celebrate racial diversity as a church.  You will find us pretty casually dressed and not caught up with the outside dress of a person.  We hope that you will come and respect the building and the people here, but also want you to not put on a facade and act any differently than you would anywhere else.  So come and experience what it means to be authentic, real, and transparent before God.

The Problem
The Solution

Do you ever feel out of place at church?  Maybe you feel different because of your race.  Maybe you feel church is for rich people with nice clothes. Maybe you feel you can go to church only when things are going well in your relationships but not when you are having strife and conflict in your life. Maybe you have more questions about God and religious things than you have answers.

A church is forming in your neighborhood and it’s for everyone. What if a church did exactly what Jesus said He would do and welcomed you even if you are weary and burdened down with life?  At Highland Park Community Church we believe that church is not just for people who are independent and seem to have life all figured out, but rather a place that people come to ask for God’s help to figure out the life that He has planned for them.



5:30pm - Worship Service

6:30pm - Panera Food Fellowship

6:45-7:45-Classes for Everyone


Pastor Philip Herman

(515) 422-4386


4101 Amherst St,

Des Moines, IA 50313​


© 2019 Highland Park Community Church. All Rights Reserved. 

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